Milepost 21 ~ Near Catholme Bridge

Link to picture of milepost Possibly the least scenic location for any of the mileposts at this end of the canal, this is an original Rangley & Dickson milepost. It is situated between Mill Bridge (no 39, seen in the distance in the picture below) and Catholme Bridge (no 40).
Link to view east to Mill Bridge The canal runs right alongside the old Ryknild Street Roman road (now the busy A38) between Barton Turn and Wychnor Bridge, a stretch of almost two miles. The road is behind the towpath and hedge in the picture on the right.
Link to view of A38 At this point, the milepost is only seperated from the the northbound carriageway by a hedge, a crash barrier and a narrow strip of pavement. Directly across the road is the new Argos distribution warehouse.